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ordain as a priestess
in a rose oracle circle,
a journey through the wheel of the year
Sunday 28 April 2024
this is the date for our first live gathering
in a beautiful venue in sw devon

please note the start date has changed from 21st to 28th


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Painting Artist Lisa Azzano


The Aphrodite Rose Priestess Training is coming to Devon for the first time ever, with just a few places, presenting a very special opportunity to sit in a sacred intimate rose oracle circle for full rose initiation


enquire now for a place or to go on the list


You will be initiated as an Aphrodite Priestess whilst activating your priestess codes to a new level in a unique way for you, whether you are already ordained as a priestess or new to the path in this lifetime and feel called to light activate your divine feminine leadership codes and your divine soul purpose as you fill with her bliss and journey through the temple year with all she wishes to bring you.  


These priestess code light activations change lives, so expect huge transformation. You are becoming a priestess and yet also a healer, spiritual coach, rose shaman, medium and developing your clairvoyance to your own next level to step into

empowered sovereignty

in the end all that is left is love

and all that you are searching for without is within you

your quest in any area of life is always ultimately about

fulfilling your purpose at a very deep soul level

This Priestess Initiation in the Rose Oracle Circle is a quiet, gentle, sacred rose temple space with trance channeling, light transmission and guided journeying through the priestess initiations to activate your priestess codes, for those wishing to go deeper into journeying into the inner mysteries. You will journey through the inner temples of the heart and the wheel of the year with your spirit guides.

This is an Aphrodite temple so the focus is love and beauty: this is about true beauty, deep real, no pretence. It is not all about being all 'beautiful and goddess like' on the surface, masks are left at the door. True beauty is salt of the earth, real authentic YOU, and everything you feel and do, the real you, no shame in who you are, all of it welcome, the stories, the traumas, the addictions, the nervous system, the hurts, all of it, for true beauty is about self love, and absolute self acceptance on the inside and this is the medicine of Aphrodite. So every single part of you is welcome and will come to be seen, to be accepted and loved.

This is a live in-person workshop & we meet 8 times though the year during the Celtic festive ​m​onths, ​working with the energies of nature and the medicine wheel. The 'in person' ​c​ircle ​is four hours long and takes place on a Sunday ​afternoon​ in Devon.  You will also be given extra material such as a manual and activation audios to do in your own time.

The Online Temple or you can join the online temple, where by in each festive month there are 3 weekly live zoom calls of 60 minutes each (also accessible on replay) information for the online temple here


In the sacred temple workshop you will be guided into an inner spiritual journey for healing, a journey with activation and then a ceremony, with pauses in between each for journalling and sharing. There will sometimes be other rose circle and mediumship exercises, possibly some guest teachers. You will be given extra audios and exercises to work with.


To ordain as an Aphrodite Rose Priestess you need to attend all 8 workshops, and your priestess codes will be activated over these 8 cycles. If you cannot make the live circles you may like to consider the online temple instead


There may be opportunities for those on the path to join for just one occasional 'in person' circle workshop if space allows. Spaces are reserved first for those who wish to do all 8 and ordain as a Priestess. Enquire early if you wish to go on the list for when spaces open up, since the circle will be kept intimate. You can also do the first one as a taster.



You will be guided to journey into the inner mysteries to meet ascended masters and your own spirit guides, undergo healings in the quantum realms, receive light code activation, sit in sacred circle with other sisters and be taken through the priestess initiations. I open the gateway and your own guides and higher self do the rest: you will become your own oracle and develop these gifts to your own personal next level. As well as being guided, you will be given space to journey and to journal in your own space, and there is opportunity for optional sharing. 


This is a quiet, gentle, sacred rose temple space with trance channeling, for those wishing to go deeper into journeying into the inners. All ages and backgrounds are welcome, from those new to the path to those who have been on it many years, it is a unique and personal process. You may be new to the path or already ordained as a priestess in another lineage. Often those drawn to the priestess path are unique individuals who have been taken through an initiation in life in some way and had to go deep, sometimes alone, to know their own truth. In this circle, we go into our own personal journeys but with sisters by our side.

This is the sacred path of the rose. The rose is held by the Goddess whose many aspects through time have been given many names from Ishtar to Aphrodite to Isis. The mers and amun wives, the marys of the bible, were the virgin priestesses: virgin means 'a woman who belongs to herself'. As we journey through the wheel we dive into Aphrodite's medicine for a whole year and meet her many aspects and work with her many symbols, within our own psyche. We all receive this differently.


As said, masks are left at the door The priestess initiations take us deep into the heart, in our own personal unique process, and so this is a place where all is welcome and we keep it real, for when we access the light and beauty of Aphrodite to understand we are beautiful just as we are deep within right now, and we also clear the shadows. So this is a place of immense healing in the hands of the Goddess, and the intimate circle is held in upmost sacred respect and honour, where we celebrate and cheerlead one another and there is room for us all. We meet with compassion and non judgement.  In the 'in person' circle some attendees may possibly know one another outside the space, please leave all of that outside the space: when you enter sacred space you go into the deeper realms. All sharing is optional and everything that takes place in circle is confidential. In order to respect this temple conduct and take full responsibility for yourself, you are asked to sign a standard disclaimer before attending.

Your host is Ishtara Rose a mature and gentle sensitive, clairvoyant & medium, channel, light activator, reiki master, mystery school & temple holder, quantum prosperity & spiritual coach, teacher and author and experienced in running online priestess temples, who has been through the many priestess initiations and run mystery school temples and ordained priestesses and high priestesses for some years. There may also possibly be the occasional guest teacher joining with special priestess offerings, tba. You can go to the links below for 'more about' or to organise a quick call for a private chat with any questions you may have.

Each workshop is set as a sacred space that is 4-5 hours long, see dates & times below. You will be guided through 3 journeys with some ceremonial rituals, activated by light language and other energy transmissions that come through. There will be a short breaks as well as space for journalling and sharing. Please bring an open heart, a journal and coloured pens and crayons, water & snacks, blankets & sheepskins so you can be comfortable, and any sacred objects you wish to have with you for the circle.

You pay as you go along. The total cost of the entire year's training is £1440. Each workshop costs £180, all inclusive of any extra bonus materials such as audio meditations, manuals etc. If you attend all 8 in succession then you will be ordained in a sacred ceremony at the end as an Aphrodite Rose Priestess and receive a certificate. 

This is an in person training. Please note that another temple is also being run as an online immersion for those who cannot travel to Devon.  If you prefer to join an online temple training or try another offering as a taster

What You Receive

complete transformation from one year immersion

in the priestess arts through the wheel, transmitted through

8  x Sacred Ceremonial Workshops spread over one year

Extra Audio Light Transmissions & Activation audios for your own time

Your Priestess Manual for your own time

Certification and Initiation as an Aphrodite Rose Priestess

Details of the exact location will be given upon enquiry. If you are traveling to the area especially for these workshops, the nearest station to the venue is Totnes and there are plenty of lovely b&bs, shops, cafes & delis in the pretty Devon town, close to the moors. Details for transport and parking will be provided and a car sharing group can be set up.

If Your Heart is saying Yes, there are only 8 places and I imagine they will fill fast. Are you Drawn to join us? Do you want to know more about this powerful life changing journey, are you called to the Goddess or Aphrodite, does the priestess path call you, do you have visions or dreams of roses, oracles, pearls, do you fly with birds, and commune with the plants and want to go into the deeper mysteries of the many aspects of the divine feminine?

This is a path that will not only awaken you as a healer, seer, medium, coach and manifestor, in your own unique sacred ways with these, but as you drink from Aphrodite's well you will dive deeper into your core to embody the essence of the divine feminine self worth, self love and self belief within your own chalice, to emerge renewed in your empowerment and inner sovereignty

enquire here

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workshop dates



We meet on the following 8 Sundays from 4pm to 8pm 


To ordain as an Aphrodite Rose Priestess you need to attend all 8 workshops, and your priestess codes will be activated over these 8 cycles. There may be opportunities for those on the path to join for just one occasional workshop if space allows. Spaces are reserved first for those who wish to do all 8 and ordain as a Priestess. Enquire early if you wish to go on the list, since the circle will be kept intimate. If you cannot make these dates you may like to consider the online temple


Some of these dates are in advance of the Celtic festival dates as preparation

and some of them are closer to the festival days.

April 28th Beltane the wild woman (new start date)

June 23rd  Lithe summer solstice the enchantress

July 28th Lughnasadh the earth mother

September 22nd  Mabon autumn equinox the seer

October 27th Samhain the ancient grandmother

December 22nd  Yule winter solstice the midwife

January 26th 2025  Imbolc the mermaid

March 16th 2025  Ostara spring equinox the maiden

where we also celebrate the final initiation ceremony

*please note the workshop is 4 hours long but a couple of workshops may be 5 hours long and on occasion we may have guest teachers (advance notice will be given). I recommend allowing a space of 5 hours to give yourself grounding time after it completes and not have to rush since you will be in an altered space.  Although I try to be punctual, allowing an extra window or more also gives time in case things arise and we run over.

enrol here

The group is being kept intimate & there are approx 8 places,

so if you are interested then I recommend that you enquire soon

You may also be interested to join to the live online temple starting at different points through the year

You can enquire easily by sending a quick message. 

You can share a little bit about yourself and why you are drawn

and any questions you have

If you want we can also do a quick call or video call so you can get more of a sense of me 


If there are spaces I will then send you the payment link for the first workshop to book your place

No refunds can be given once payment is made. You pay as you go along workshop by workshop.

There is no commitment so after each workshop you can decide if you wish to continue on

simply and easily click the button below to direct message

to enquire about your space in this beautiful rose temple opportunity

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